Now that we have discussed the general requirements to becoming a CPA, it is cri


Now that we have discussed the general requirements to becoming a CPA, it is critical that we understand the exam process further. Please discuss the following:
How many exams are required to be passed for licensure?
What are the exam parts called?
Most importantly, what content does each exam cover (please be specific in discussing the content of each exam)?
Which courses at Chabot would assist you with obtaining the required knowledge?
What is the structure of the exam?
In which format are the questions presented?
What are the time limits of the exams?
Is there a period of time in which you have to complete all exams?
How can you prepare for the exam?
How are review courses structured?
Would you be interested in self-study or a live course?
External research will definitely be required and the best places to start are the Becker and Roger CPA review programs. Please visit their website and other resources to obtain the required information.


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