must be  double-spaced, 10-12pt Times New Roman font, with 1’’ margins on 8.5’’


must be  double-spaced, 10-12pt Times New Roman font, with 1’’ margins on 8.5’’

must be  double-spaced, 10-12pt Times New Roman font, with 1’’ margins on 8.5’’ x 11’’ paper. DO NOT FORGET THE ANNOTATION DOCUMENT AND A WORKS CITED PAGE! 
a formulated thesis using an intersectional feminist analysis based on the final orject proposal (PLEASE VIEW ATTACHED because the final paper is based off the final project proposal that I completed). Research for the paper must include at least 3 outside sources and 3 sources from the Course Reader. I will attach the 3 sources from the class course reader for you to use.  Pick any 3 articles from the attached titled “Gender” and “Capitalism and Institutions” that works best to support the thesis. Thank you. 


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