Please submit a pdf or jpeg of your assignment. For each section of the activity


Please submit a pdf or jpeg of your assignment.
For each section of the activity, you will be graded based on two criteria:
Correct Answers and Calculations
Showing Work/Process and Completion
Grading Breakdown (Total Points: 120)
Section 1: Identifying Stars Based on Coordinates (12 points)
1 point each: Correct identification of the 6 stars by name or Greek letter and constellation name (e.g., α Canis Major).
1 point each: Correct completion constellation for each star.
Section 2: Star Visibility at Different Latitudes (24 points)
1 point each: Correctly determining if each star is always, sometimes, or never visible at each latitude (North Pole, Equator, Glendale, South Pole).
Section 3: Planetary Data (Declination, RA, Sidereal Day, Equatorial Diameter, etc.) (56 points)
1 point: Correctly completing the table with
type of object
right ascension
distance from the Sun (in AU)
sidereal period,
equatorial diameter,
sidereal day, and
distance from the Sun (in AU) 
Section 4: Distance Conversion to Kilometers (28 points)
2 points: Correct conversion of each planet’s distance from astronomical units (AU) to kilometers, using the conversion factor 1 AU=1.496×1011 m
2 points: Clear, accurate work is shown for all distance conversions, with answers expressed in scientific notation.


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