Please answer the follwoing questions 3 pages per question in the order given. F


Please answer the follwoing questions 3 pages per question in the order given. F

Please answer the follwoing questions 3 pages per question in the order given. For the cite page please do it in order as the answer questions. 1,2,3
7 sources per question. 
Citing outside references isn’t required but if you do cite any outside sources, give full references in ASA citation style on a separate References page.  Most or all your citations in each essay will be to course materials, which you may cite within your paper’s text (instead of on separate References pages) like this: 
for Salzman/Thompson book: (Text, p. 123)
for Taking Sides articles:  cite the specific article’s author, e.g.:  (Myers in TS, pp. 6-7)
for A Civil Action, give page numbers:  A Civil Action (p. 147)
for lectures:  (lecture on endangered species, February 13)
5.   for films:  give film title in quotes, e.g. (“An Inconvenient Truth”) or (“Crude”)
for group presentation: (group on food waste) or discussion:  (class discussion on NEPA)
1st 3 pages: How does tort law (as in A Civil Action) compare with government regulation and other legal action under the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, NEPA, CERCLA/Superfund, RCRA, and Endangered Species Act? Use issues, examples, and evidence from the course and your own ideas. What role has activism by environmental groups and business organizations played in (1) creating and enforcing the types of laws you discuss, as well as (2) influencing which environmental issues have been the focus of government entities and how they are addressed? Draw on and cite specific course materials.
2nd 3 pages: Are clean or polluted air and water treated as commodities in the U.S. and other countries — and should they be? Assess the pros and cons of treating clean/polluted air and water as commodities to be traded and otherwise dealt with through market mechanisms (such as using pollution trading schemes and the sale of pollution rights to improve the environment, using market mechanisms to make fossil fuels and other energy more efficient and slow global warming, using profit-making private companies in clean-up efforts, making computer makers and sellers responsible for the disposal of old electronic devices, and using economic incentives to persuade people to accept a nearby nuclear waste repository) as opposed to non-market mechanisms. Evaluate evidence that the pros and cons are based on and cite specific course materials.
3rd 3pages: You are a member of an international commission called together to recommend what steps citizens and individual nations (including the U.S., Mexico, and India) should take to address environmental problems of water and air pollution, global warming, habitat loss, and energy depletion that affect the entire world. Identify (1) at least 5 measures, (2) the impediments to achieving them, and (3) what should be done to help overcome these obstacles. Draw on and cite specific readings, lectures, and other course materials.


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