Visit (in-person or online) a cultural or historical museum that has exhibits co


Visit (in-person or online) a cultural or historical museum that has exhibits connected to the subject of our course. Explain the significance of the exhibit(s) for African American History (between the years 1619-1877). Analyze what the exhibits offer, and whether they present material well or badly. What is missing? What should be improved? Write an essay of 400 to 500 words (footnotes don’t count toward the word total). Below is a list of approved museums for History 141 and History 142; for History 141 make certain that the museum or exhibit you want to review deals with the era before 1877. (If you are in History 142, make sure that the museum exhibit you want to write about deals with the era after 1865.) I am happy to learn about new exhibits and new sites! When writing the essay, work through the Writing Checklist Download Writing Checklist, and be sure to cite all sources of information you used to complete this assignment by using footnotes: VIDEO TUTORIAL – How to Do Chicago-Style Footnotes
List of Approved Museums.docx Download List of Approved Museums.docx
DUE – January 24 at 8:30 a.m. with a grace period until 9:00 a.m.
REMEMBER: Your paper must be formatted correctly. This means that it is in either Arial or Times New Roman font, at least 22-point font, and is double-spaced. At the top of your paper, include your full name, VCCS email, your course number and section (HIS 141 O01N), and the date that you’re turning in the assignment.


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