Goal of the Project: To describe and demonstrate the use of statistics in addres


Goal of the Project:
To describe and demonstrate the use of statistics in addressing environmental justice issues related to the reopening of the El Paso smelter and present findings in an empirical research manuscript as well as oral presentation.
Brief Description:
You are presented with a public health (Social Justice) issue and expected to use Biostatistics as a tool to provide recommendations on potential solutions. You will demonstrate the three core competencies of the course: Analyze the provided data, interpret the results of the analysis and communicate your findings.
1. Read the pdf document titled “Steps-Of-Data-Analysis…”
2. Read the El Paso Case study
3. Study the El Paso Codebook to ensure that you understand the El Paso Data
4. Answer the questions below.
Create a summary table describing the sample. Include summary measures for demographic (Race, gender, age, education, etc that is available in the data), exposure, symptom data, IQ and finger tap. Stratify your table by whether the children had blood lead levels less than 40 µg/100ml or blood lead levels between 40 to 68 µg/100ml.The summary table template provided is only an example. You encouraged to think critically and be
creative in summarizing the data (use variety of methods)
Introduction must include:
Background/Historical foundation/rational and Research question (RQ) or Objective/purpose, hypothesis… Comprehensive
literature review. Includes current and landmark literature highly
relevant to the topic and establishes gaps in the literature that
warrant the current investigation.RQ/objective or hypothesis clearly stated & appropriately worded, identifying key variables (PICO); Well conceptualized


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