part1 Medical terminology is the professional and uniform language utilized in


Medical terminology is the professional and uniform language utilized in medical professions. Take a moment and reflect upon your experience with and exposure to medical terminology so far. Have you taken a previous course on medical terminology? Do you use medical terminology in your current job? Are you close to someone who has a medical condition where you had to learn some medical terminology? Is this your first time being exposed to medical terminology?
part 2 Directions:After completing Module 01, take a moment to self-reflect. What were your successes? What areas do you need to improve upon? Did you manage your time well or do you need to make adjustments? Did you take advantage of any Rasmussen College’s Library Learning Service resources? Did you utilize any specific study techniques that you found to be helpful? Identify and discuss the obstacles you face with this course and learning medical terminology.
In your reply post, provide suggestions for the obstacles your peers have identified. Share what worked for you or suggest a resource or study skill that might help your classmates be successful in overcoming their challenges. Don’t forget to include resources that are available through Rasmussen College’s Library Learning services, online, and/or through a mobile device. Part 3 Directions:Understanding and retaining knowledge of medical terminology is vital in every healthcare profession. Research and think about why it is so vital in your desired profession to have the knowledge of medical terminology, and share your thoughts. How do you foresee using medical terminology in your day-to-day role and responsibilities in your desired profession? How will you maintain your knowledge of medical terminology after this course?
In your reply post, share at least 3 medical terms that you think you might use in your future career. For instance, if you plan to pursue a career in surgery, you may want to share medical terms that describe surgical procedures. Be sure to provide a brief definition of the terms you provide. Think outside the box here! You are encouraged to find medical terms that have not yet been mentioned in your textbook reading or course content. part 4
In this course project assignment, you are presented with a medical history for two different patients. A medical history can be fairly brief or extremely lengthy, depending on the patient’s health history. Basic components of a medical history generally include the following pieces of information:
Patient demographics: Includes name, date of birth, gender, race etc.
Chief complaint: Specifies the primary reason for the patient seeking care
History of present illness: Includes details of chief complaint in chronological order
Past medical history: Includes a list of current and past medical conditions
Family history: Includes pertinent diagnoses of close family members
Social history: Includes information about patient’s lifestyle and characteristics
Medication history: Includes list of current and prior medication use
Review of systems: Includes subjective findings from a head-to-toe examination
Physical examination: Includes objective findings from a head-to-toe examination
You will be exploring the medical terminology used in these medical histories and will be asked to interpret the meanings of various words and abbreviations.
To complete this assignment, do the following:


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