What does the word “literature” mean to you? And the word culture? State your po


What does the word “literature” mean to you? And the word culture? State your point of view
– If you could choose to live in the past, in an era of beautiful Arabic literature, what era would you choose? And why? Give your opinion?
– If you could meet any Arab literary figure, who would you choose? And why?
– What are the pillars of literature? Only their number.
-In light of your information and experience, in your opinion, what is the best era in which Arabic literature developed? And why?
-There are many Arab love stories in Arabic literature, and most of the passionate lovers were poets or began composing poetry to show the extent of their love for their beloved. Why, in your opinion, do most Arab love stories end with sad endings, such as separation between the two lovers, death, or the marriage of the beloved to another person? State your point of view on this topic.


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