Designer/Firm Research Please research and present your findings on (1) Commerci


Designer/Firm Research
Please research and present your findings on (1) Commercial Design Firm and (1) Residential Design Firm in Houston TX.
You are to select two Interior Design or Architectural firms that have work/projects that interest you. The firms should have their own websites.
Your research should include but is not limited to the following information:
Name of Firm
Size of Firm – Number of Employees
Firm Structure – What are the different positions and levels in the firm?
Area of Specialization
Work Culture – What is it like to work there?
Mission Statements
Project Examples
This is a digital presentation. You can use PowerPoint or Prezi, other platforms should be approved by instructor prior to proceeding.
Remember we are a visual group, the presentation should be image heavy and most of the text should likely be bullet points.
In addition to the research and presentation on each firm, your presentation should conclude with a summary that compares and contrasts the similarities and differences you have found between the two firms. This summary should be the last slide of your presentation.
Please upload your presentation to Canvas upon completion.


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