Read Luke, chapters 1-9. Write down what puzzles you or surprises you, noting


Read Luke, chapters 1-9. Write down what puzzles you or surprises you, noting chapter and verse. Answer the following content questions:
1. Identify passages that explain Luke’s ideas about what a disciple of Jesus is called to do.
2. Find passages that explain what Luke means by “the Kingdom of God.”
See syllabus attached course schedule is listed for assignments and textbooks is listed below. Format: double spaced; 12 point font, Times New Roman; plagiarism free; no AI, No Chat GPT, MLA format.
Required Texts Journey of Transformation (Hayden-McNeil/MacMillan, 2016) This is the required reader for the course.
Additional texts may be required by the instructor from the list of approved modern texts (see below). Bible, The New Oxford Annotated Bible. (required) Online Searchable NRSV Bible complete text available at:
Supplementary handout is attached also.


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