Your goal for the week is to draw out and clarify some of these important concep


Your goal for the week is to draw out and clarify some of these important concepts from the textbook to help you with your exam and career. Go to the discussion tab to post material.
The discussions are aligned with the learning objectives of the chapters. Post on a topic that has not already been posted by another student. Post early in the week to ensure you get the topic you want. Students are allowed to claim a topic.
Duplicate topics are not allowed.
How many posts do I need? At least 3 posts each week (1 main post and 2 responses).
View Rubric Here:
Rubric used for all weekly discussions 2023 10th EDITION KU ls.docx Rubric used for all weekly discussions 2023 10th EDITION KU ls.docx – Alternative Formats
Preview Example of main post. Preview Example of main post. – Alternative Formats
Preview Example of peer response. Preview Example of peer response. – Alternative Formats
Instructions: Main Post (325 Word minimum)
Subject Heading: Type the Number and Name of your topic before posting material.
RESEARCH (Label this section)
The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic.
Use APA in text citations in the text to clarify sources.
Reminder: Your textbook should be one of the sources. Best posts include secondary scholary sources.
CRITICAL THINKING (Label this section, too)
This section is only for your thoughts/conclusions. This is not research based. It is not a summary of your research.
Everyday living: Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?
Add References and Word Count at the bottom of posts.
Instructions: Peer Responses (125 Words Minimum for Each)Two informational posts are needed.
Apply the material in an original way on 2 different topics (not your own)
Use Critical thinking to make everyday connections and draw conclusions.
Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I found said,” “Did you know,” or “Three things I found interesting were… .”
Examples: Apply everyday phenomena in terms of the scientific concepts in your research section. Make observations and draw conclusions.
Tips and Tricks for Remembering and Recalling. Is there a mnemonic device that might help you memorize this information or what helps you understand this?
Connect the dots. Why is this an important topic for you, your community, society, or the world? How does it relate to other concepts in the text?
Important NotesStudents are allowed to claim a topic.
Duplicate topics are not allowed.
Plagiarism is a serious issue; please make sure to use your own words and provide citations and references for all sources you utilize in your responses.
Avoid direct quotes.
Insert APA in text citations. This follows any idea that reflects information you learned from the text.
Work cannot be deleted or edited once posted.
Work is graded based on the rubrics.
Posts should be completed over three different days (for example, Tue, Wed, Thu).
It is HIGHLY encouraged that your initial post be posted by Wednesday to keep you on track for the week, and all posts must be complete by Sunday at 11:59 pm each week.
Do not post attachments – Post material directly on the board.
I have an example of the discussion, I need it like this: 1. Break it down: the major anatomical and functional subdivision
RESEARCHIn the nervous system, there are two major anatomical subdivisions: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) (Saladin, 2024, pp. 419-420). The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, the central nervous system functions in the nervous system by doing majority of the decision making (Saladin, 2024, pp. 419-420). Stimuli such as bodily changes and changes to the external environment is processed in the central nervous system to determine how to respond and will then command muscle and gland cells to exhibit the response decided. The peripheral nervous system essentially consists of everything other than the brain and spinal cord which is the nerves and ganglia (Saladin, 2024, pp. 419-420). The peripheral nervous system is first subdivided into the sensory division and motor division and then further subdivided among those. The sensory division is further divided into the visceral sensory division and the somatic sensory division. The motor division is further divided into the visceral motor division and the somatic motor division. The visceral motor division is further divided into the sympathetic division, parasympathetic division, and the enteric plexus. The sensory division is responsible for carrying signals from receptors to the central nervous system (Saladin, 2024, pp. 419-420). The somatic sensory division is responsible for carrying signals from receptors located in the skin, muscles, bones, and joints. The visceral sensory division is responsible for carrying signals from receptors located in the thoracic viscera and abdominal cavities. The motor division is responsible for carrying signals from the central nervous system to muscle and gland cells due to them carrying out commands in the central nervous system as previously mentioned (Saladin, 2024, pp. 419-420). The somatic motor division is responsible for carrying signals to skeletal muscles which function in contractions of muscles. The visceral motor division is responsible for carrying signals to the glands, cardiac muscles, and smooth muscles which function in unconscious involuntary movements. The sympathetic division is responsible for specifically arousing the body for an action such as accelerating heart rate. The parasympathetic division functions the same as the sympathetic division but opposite. For example, it is responsible for slowing heart rate. The enteric plexus is responsible for communicating and coordinating motility and secretion of the long digestive tract.The peripheral nervous system plays a major role in the functionality of vital organs. Therefore, there are many illnesses/diseases that damage the peripheral nervous system. Type 2 diabetes is one example. The reason why individuals with unmanaged Type 2 diabetes sometimes need lower limbs amputated is because the peripheral nervous system was damaged beyond repair (Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), 2022).
Understanding the functionality of the nervous system beyond just the brain helps in understanding the reasoning behind certain illnesses/diseases, such as consequences from type 2 diabetes that is critical for someone pursing a career in the healthcare field to understand, such as nursing. It is interesting to learn how connected everything is to each other to enable the body to function as one unit.
Saladin, K. S. (2024). Anatomy & Physiology The Unity of Form and Function (10th ed.). McGraw Hill.(2022, May 25). Peripheral Nervous System (PNS). Cleveland Clinic.


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