You MUST use the Case Study #1 as the base of this SOAP NOTE #1 Must use the sam


You MUST use the Case Study #1 as the base of this SOAP NOTE #1 Must use the sample template for your soap note, keep this template for when you start clinicals. Templates used from another classes will not be accepted. Student must use the template provided in this class which must clearly contain the progress note (in the Assessment section) of the encounter with the patient ( this section is clearly mark in bold, highlighted and underlined). No passing grade will be granted if this section is not completed properly. Late Assignment Policy Assignments turned in late will have 1 point taken off for everyday assignment is late, after 7 days assignment will get grade of 0 (zero). No exceptions Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations. Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program) Turn it in Score must be less than 25% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 25%. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement. The use of tempates is ok with regards to Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, The Assessment and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made up patient.


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