Instructions Assignment #3 – REMINDER, you have on your HR Manager hat! Develop


Assignment #3 – REMINDER, you have on your HR Manager hat!
Develop a selection and training plan for the dream job: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (DEI OFFICER)
REMEMBER: you are now in the HRM role – yes you are the Manager completing the process to hire for your dream job * What types of pre-employment testing you will use and why
* Thoroughly cover the selection decision: techniques, reliability and validity, legal matters, etc.
* Discuss EEO * Include how you will interview
* 5 questions you will ask in the interview relating to your dream job
* 10 questions you cannot ask in an interview and include the correct format to ask a potential candidate [if any]
* Outline the new employee training that you will require and why. MUST include details of employee training as it relates to YOUR dream job! (minimum 3 pages). This must be written up as a business report…therefore, you are typing up an actual academic paper, NOT a document; hence do not bullet, you must explain/expound.


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