Response Post Criteria The following activity allows students to evaluate two of


Response Post Criteria
The following activity allows students to evaluate two of their peers and professor’s questions, utilizing the rubric to provide constructive feedback (attached).
1. Review the MSN DQ Grading Rubric (attached).
2. Choose at least two peers’ initial posts and answer (Week 2 replies attached) use two sources per reply
3. Respond to each peer’s initial posts based on the initial post instructions (see Week 2 replies for further instructions); address each initial post item.
4. Provide scholarly justification for feedback; at least two scholarly references must support both response posts.
5. Refer to the APA Manual or for assistance.
6. Please respond “substantively” to at least two of your peers. Ask them questions! Replies need to be detailed and in-depth. Responses should be thorough, well-conceived graduate-level responses. Allow time for responses by colleagues and be sure to answer any questions asked of you. A simple “I agree with you” will not be enough to earn credit.


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