What I would like you to do is fix up the research for both the market analysis


What I would like you to do is fix up the research for both the market analysis and the SUSTAIN strategy. add any extra points, reorganize it, and make it more specific–make sure to add or define sources. Then use the case study to help strengthen your research. Then, I would like you to make 6 slides with all the information (if you have time, include speaker notes). The slides should have the PWC colors as the theme and the Tesla logo on each slide. organize the slide with a heading as a sentence to summarize and display the main idea of the slide, and include graphs, visuals, statistical data, etc., including sources for that too. If you cannot do the slides, could you organize a template for me? ie, 3 bullet points speaking about japan risks, the heading of this slide would be “xyz,” and the visual would be a market graph of nissan, toyota, etc.
i put the instructions, research and everything in the docutment. one thing to highlight is making sure to research/explain/talk about about these things as well in the research document and or slides:
stats and figures – cost feasible (best justification) – profit-making strategy
– lots of investment
– far because of geography – island (additional costs) to get into japan
– manufacturing costs – build a car in japan
risk: japanese loyalty — countries that are on it on the automotive industry — own nationalities cars — cultural and image thing
– japan, chinese and korea (don’t want to import – only exporting) — import cars because japanese cars are best
Would Tesla have market shares?
look into what companies hold the market (% shares in the market and how many people use it) – predict how much could tesla take (more than 5%)
look into costs (when tesla could go into profit)
if numbers are low – use this strategy as a suggestion as japan being a starting point because once we infiltrate japanese market it will be easier bc of trust and culture
– EVs – less innovation in japan


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