Hi. Here is the assignment: Complete a Big Five Personality Test (https://openp


Hi. Here is the assignment: Complete a Big Five Personality Test (https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/1.php). In one page, write about key features of the test, discuss your results, and describe how well your personality fits with your current role or a role you would like to have in the future. Use at least three different references, including the book.
Explanations: One of the references must be from the book I uploaded (Steven M. Walker, Daryl Watkins.; Toxic Leadership). I uploaded it as pdf and please make sure on the references section, there will be this book along with two other referenes.
I also shared my test results. My current role is first officer (copilot) at an airline. I will be a captain one day and you can create the assignment revolving on this. Use Apa referencing. Let me know if you have any questions.


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