Write a Marketing and Communications plan for a new theme park in Dubai: Conside


Write a Marketing and Communications plan for a new theme park in Dubai: Consider the following-
You work for a Marketing and Advertising agency in Dubai. One of your key clients wants to open a new theme park in the Dubai area, with a different set of experiences.
There are already a number of different theme parks, and your client wants to differentiate themselves and appeal to a completely different set of customers.
You have been asked to use your Marketing and Communications knowledge to give a professional structure to the contents.
Your client wants you to think very differently about the theme park contents and how it should be communicated.
Your submission is a Word document that clearly includes the following key headlines –
1. Executive Summary
2. Table of Contents
3. Identify the gap in the market that the new theme park will fill. Include an industry /
competitor overview.
4. Identify the demographic, psychographic and behavioral segments that the new theme
park will appeal to.
5. Identify the key internal and external buyer behaviour influences that may affect a
future customer of the new theme park.
6. Write a summary communications plan for the new theme park, based on 6-months
before opening.
7. Explain how Paid, Owned, and Earned social media will help in promoting the new
theme park.
8. Appendix – Graphs, charts etc.


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