Assignment Discussion 3.1 Is Information Technology (IT) Valuable to a Company?


Assignment Discussion 3.1 Is Information Technology (IT) Valuable to a Company? Information technology helps to build and grow the commerce and business sector and generate the maximum possible output. The time taken by different sectors to generate business is now minimized with advancements in Information technology. It provides electronic security, storage, and efficient communication.
Read the article written by Howard Rubin (2004), Real Value for Information Technology on []
Based on your professional working experience(s) or observation of an organization you are familiar with, what are the critical components of IT value within the company/organization where you work/worked?
Provide at least one reference to support your post.
In your response post, comment on whether you agree or disagree with your classmates, raise relevant questions, and share additional resources.
Initial Post (200 – 300 words): Due Friday @ 11:59 pm
Response Posts (at least two; each 75 – 100 words) and Summary Post: Due Tuesday @ 11:59 pm
If citations are included in your post, include references using APA style.
Guidelines for Online Discussions
Grading Criteria
Initial post (50%)Posted on time and to required length. Addresses the topic of the discussion. Provides personal insights, thoughtful reflection, supporting examples and references. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Response post (30%)Responds to 2 or more students. Responses provide additional insights and/or raise questions that require reflection. Shares multiple points of view. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Summary post (10%) Provides meaningful summary and response. Demonstrates reflection and further analysis. Supports statements with citations and references.
Grammar and mechanics (10%)No spelling or grammatical errors. Clearly and succinctly expressed thoughts
Assignement Reflection 3.1 Trials & Tribulations
Assignement Reflection 3.1 Trials & Tribulations Instructions
Reflect on the topics we have covered this week and respond to the following questions (between 100 to 200 words per question). Text book attached (adventures of an IT Leader) IT applications an asset or an expense?
What is the main purpose of allocating IT costs to user departments?
How do IT investments create value or enable value creation?
How might we get a quantitative handle on the level of value provided by IT?
What light does the consultants’ report shed on the matter of Davie’s firing and the subsequent choice of Barton as the CIO? What (if anything) does it add to the IT value discussion?
Submit your Reflections in an Adobe PDF or MS Word file format. Grading Criteria
Research (10%)
Reflection & application (40%)
Communication & expression (40%)
Language, grammar, mechanics (10%)
Assignment 3.1 Value of Information Technology
Instructions Assignment 3.1 Value of Information Technology File attached IST5150Assignment3_1ValueofInformationTechnology.docx
The two industries that are most affected by IT are banking and finance. These two critical industries have used IT since the 1970s. For example, IT allowed for the growth of small financial firms that do electronic data processing and the creation of nationwide financial services like electronic check and credit card processing. IT has also brought security and stability to how people and corporations access their critical financial accounts.
A balanced scorecard (BSC) is a visual tool used to measure an activity’s effectiveness against a company’s strategic plans. Balanced scorecards are often used during strategic planning to ensure the company’s efforts are aligned with the overall strategy and vision.
Drawing on the Adventures book, the references provided for this week, and your own research, create a Balanced Scorecard using the attached file (MS Word).
Note: the focus of the scorecard should be information technology related.
Include a list of references you consulted to complete this assignment.
Please check your assignment before submitting. Ensure that:
There are no spelling errors.
Sentences are grammatically correct.
There are no word contractions such as can’t and won’t.
You have used complete sentences and good sentence structure.
Submit your assignment in an Adobe PDF or MS Word file format. Grading Criteria
Development of a balanced scorecard (75%)
Critical & creative thinking skills (10%)
References (5%)
Language, grammar, mechanics (10%)


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