Task summary: Students will be expected to demonstrate beginning proficiency in


Task summary:
Students will be expected to demonstrate beginning proficiency in univariate and bivariate data analysis using the assigned data files in SPSS. The assignment will consist of descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing. Included there needs to be a breakdown of the work done by Shenay Bennett, Kaandra Herman and Miyah Ceaser (you can make this up)
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,
Next, regarding inferential statistics, students will conduct hypothesis testing on two assigned relationships. (Treat
each relationship separately). Examine the relationship between the assigned variables by writing out each step of
hypothesis testing and responding to each step. The steps of hypothesis testing should be completed and discussed
separately and presented in order. Be sure to inspect graphs for normal distributions and include histograms and q-q
plots in their appropriate step. Finally, along with the document, be sure to include the group log sheet attached for
each group member’s specific contribution to the project. (Any project without all group members’ detailed individual
contributions will receive a score of zero percent). Each student is expected to contribute the same amount of effort
to the project; students will be graded according to their documented effort to the project. (Typically, students receive
the same score, barring an unusual disparate work effort). Groups will be assigned weeks before the project is due.


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