What do you think about that the media portrays women as objects (based on the d


What do you think about that the media portrays women as objects (based on the documentary “Killing Us Softly” by J. Kilbourne)? What are the some of the dysfunctions of this type of portrayal of women? Do you think that there has been changes in media’s portraying of images and/or messages over the years?
Watch Video: Killing Us Softly: Original videos are available in the Kanopy film data-base at the QC Library. Please login to QC Library to find the Kanopy data-base and search for the title. I would recommend to watch this version in the QC Kanopy:
https://www.kanopy.com/en/product/216732?vp=quincycollegeLinks to an external site.
Short Recent You tube Video is available in here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy8yLaoWybkLinks to an external site.


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