This project highlights the Haber process, which  has made a significant contrib


This project highlights the Haber process, which  has made a significant contrib

This project highlights the Haber process, which  has made a significant contribution to modern society. There is an interesting background story that promotes cultural appreciation.  
This process was discovered by the German chemist Fritz Haber in the early twentieth century. Through extensive experimentation, Haber found the conditions that would produce adequate yields (at a temperature of about 500 oC and a pressure of about 200 atm). This process holds a significant importance today because of its application in the industrial production of ammonia-based fertilizer. In 1918, Haber received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work. However, a lot of controversy followed the Nobel Prize award.
Question:  Compare and contrast the positive and negative effects that result from the use of the Haber process. 
Discuss the controversy that followed the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Haber. 
Based on this discussion, do you think Haber should have been awarded this prestigious award for his work? Explain.


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