Interview Analysis Paper* Interview someone between the ages of 40 – 65 years ol


Interview Analysis Paper*
Interview someone between the ages of 40 – 65 years ol

Interview Analysis Paper*
Interview someone between the ages of 40 – 65 years old (middle adulthood). Write a paper summarizing your interview experience and identify and explain 3 concepts, principles, or theories applicable to the content on middle adulthood that were covered in course materials. In addition, incorporate findings from 1 peer reviewed article that are related to themes that emerged or the concepts addressed in your paper. The interviewee’s anonymity and confidentiality needs to be protected. Therefore, do no provide the individual’s name, relationship to you, etc.
The paper should be 4-5 pages long, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced and follow APA format and citation guidelines.
Here are some examples of questions you might ask:
What is the best part of being in middle adulthood?
How have you changed since you were in your twenties and thirties?
How have your priorities changed over the past twenty years?
If you have children, in what ways have you changed as a result of being a parent? How has your relationship with your children changed over the years?
How is your life different than you thought it would be when you were younger?
Have you experienced any changes in your career/job?
Have you had significant changes in how you spend your leisure time over the years?
What advice or “lessons learned” would you give to people in different stages of life, such as children, teens, young adults, young parents?
What do you see as your life purpose?
What do you want your legacy to be?/ What would you like your family members, friends, or co-workers to remember about you?
Related course topics and concepts
The brain at midlife
Physical Health
Influence of socioeconomic status, culture, race/ethnicity
Gender roles
Adult Education and Work Skills
Erikson’s psychosocial stage: Generativity vs Stagnation
Midlife Criss
Midlife review
Turning points
Ego resiliency
Identity schemas
Life satisfaction
Empty nest
Grandparenthood The brain at midlife


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