Classes at every grade level are comprised of students at varying stages of lang


Classes at every grade level are comprised of students at varying stages of lang

Classes at every grade level are comprised of students at varying stages of language development, as well as cognitive and physical abilities. Teachers must adjust instruction to meet the needs of all students.
Carefully read and examine each scenario located on the “Typical and Atypical ” template. Each one depicts two students of the same age/grade who differ in their development; specifically, linguistic, physical, or cognitive development. After reading each scenario, complete the following tasks:
Use research to identify typical milestones for the grade level included in the scenario.
Provide examples of the atypical characteristics of the students in the scenario.
Propose strategies to address differences.
Each scenario should be 200-250 words. Apply major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to the physical, cognitive, and linguistic development of children and young adolescents in your responses.
Support your typical milestones and strategies with 2-3 scholarly resources.


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