Prepare a 4–6-page literature review focused on current thinking about the impac


Prepare a 4–6-page literature review focused on current thinking about the impac

Prepare a 4–6-page literature review focused on current thinking about the impact that effective collaboration within a school can have on student achievement of learning. Topics to  cover 
The potential impact of effective collaborative teams on teaching, learning, and increasing student achievement of learning.
The characteristics of effective teams.
The benefits and challenges of collaboration.
The role of leadership in establishing, supporting, and maintaining a collaborative culture within an educational organization.
Your paper should include:
A cover page with title, your name, and contact information, including your e-mail address.
An introduction.
A 4–6-page review of current research and literature with guiding subheadings focused on effective teams. 
A conclusion.
A reference list in APA format that includes a minimum of ten references. You can use the texts and assigned readings from this week’s activities as well as at least 2 additional resources that you locate to develop your ideas.


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