Read the following case scenario and then respond to questions posed under each


Read the following case scenario and then respond to questions posed under each of the stages of ethical decision-making listed below. Dr. Mattison is a retired clinical social worker who had a large private practice for over 35 years. In retirement, she was hired as an adjunct professor to teach one graduate course a semester and also volunteered as an intake worker at the local community mental health center.
The center operated more like a crisis and referral agency seeing clients for a maximum of three sessions and making referrals when additional sessions were necessary. During the month of August, the agency experienced a high number of staff taking vacations. Dr. Mattison was asked to step in to provide direct service to new clients seeking support during the month.
In the week prior to her stepping back into the clinical chair, she remained on the phone as intake worker. The intakes she was completing were on clients whom she would see in the following week.
One caller, Kathy, was clearly very upset, crying to the point where gathering the basic information was difficult. Dr. Mattison gently calmed the caller and identified that the initial source of crisis was the fact that she had just been terminated at her job and gotten into a major argument with her boyfriend. While the caller felt as if the “world was collapsing,” Dr. Mattison was able to assess her level of crisis and the possibility of her harming herself or another. Both possibilities were felt to be of very low probability, and the caller had numerous supports in her life living at home with her family. After setting up the appointment to meet with Kathy, Dr. Mattison did a final assessment to see how she was feeling and what her plans for the night and the days to follow were. Kathy’s response provided Dr. Mattison with the data she needed to feel that Kathy was okay and was not at risk.
After hanging up and as she was taking the next call, Dr. Mattison realized that in her focusing on the “crisis” she forgot to get Kathy’s last name or address. She felt that she could gather that information at the time of her first session, which was scheduled that coming Monday.
On Monday, as Dr. Mattison enters the office, she becomes aware that the young woman waiting is not only Kathy, her first appointment, but that Kathy is actually a student in her Tuesday night class.
Awareness: Does the case present any possible ethical or legal challenges? If so, what are they?
Grounding: Using your professions (or desired professions) code of ethics, what, if any, principles may be compromised or called into play given this situation?
Implementation: Generate at least three possible paths to follow in response to this situation. Further identify the potential positive and negative impacts of each. Which would you select to implement?
This assignment will be graded based on:
Quality of content including the ability to communicate and analyze awareness, grounding and implementation as it relates to the scenario (25 points). Include ethical codes and information from the textbook to support your responses.
Provide in-depth analysis, communicating your understanding of the scenario.


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