Purpose This module’s readings focused on justification, which is an important p


This module’s readings focused on justification, which is an important part of any argument. Justification and the theories being used usually do not get their own section in a philosophy paper, as these papers do not usually include a methods section. However, many humanities papers do and all research papers do, so it is a worthwhile practice to practice stating explicitly the assumptions that will be underlying your eventual argument.
Remember, this assignment is intended to build toward the final project. The written sections are designed to be able to serve (with minor modifications) as sections in the written section of the final project.
Pick one theory of justification from the readings (e.g., moral absolutism, cultural relativism, etc.). In a few sentences, define that theory in your own words.
Answer the following prompt:
In 1-2 paragraphs, describe your reasoning, or a chain of reasoning, that supports your position on your chosen topic. Use one of the theories of justification – ideally the one you picked earlier – to show how this reasoning is justified. *** the topic I chose was about Covid and how it was mandatory to get a vaccination.***
Engagement Section:
Respond to the following prompt:
Plato’s Euthyphro presents a dilemma: is the Good Life good because it is loved by the gods, or do the gods love the Good Life because it is good? What are your thoughts on this? Which ‘horn’ of the dilemma is correct – or is there another option?


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