Written journal: This is a 2-3 page, typed, double spaced written reflection. To


Written journal: This is a 2-3 page, typed, double spaced written reflection.
Topic: The Language of This Career Field — Consider the career-specific terms, phrases, acronyms, technology/software that you are been exposed to at your Internship so far. Reflect on and share more about the jargon that fills the day of this career field.
I am a business anaylst for the Atlanta Academy of Dental assisitng. We are focusing on transforming her platform to gain more students, get traction on social media, the website and digitalizing courses for the students. creating new student platforms and improving client and customer relationship through a metaverse for teaching dental neccessities and all branding platforms. let me know if you have questions. thank you!
– screenscrapping
– enhance communications (mailchimp, compliance processes)
– backend
– cPanel
– metabusiness
– CRM and LSM
– trello for student platform learnings?
– wordpress
– transformative strategy
– new social media platform sites
– student hubs
– metaverse
– add anything else that may be relevant if you have any ideas
for more info on what i do, i work with another intern and with the founder of the academy we meet 2-3x a week on one hour google meets to learn more about our progress, ideation, and strategies for social media, student portals, marketing, enhancing communciations, digitalizing, and authenticating processes. we plan out major events (like a launch day for student interaction and to showcase the new location).


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