Questions: From the Li et al., 2023, article (cited below) and using Table 2 (ab


Questions: From the Li et al., 2023, article (cited below) and using Table 2 (above), give the adjusted odds ratios (The column labeled ORb in the table) with the 95% confidence intervals for the association of former and current smoking status compared to never smoking with early and late onset colorectal cancer. Using the rule for ORs in the handout, interpret the results: which risk factor is strongest for early onset and late onset colorectal cancer, which is weakest? Using the CIs, which results are statistically significant? Are these results clinically significant… are the results from this study large enough to justify the time and effort spent on educating individuals about smoking being a risk factor for colorectal cancer for people under age 55 or just those over age 55?250 words 2 apa citations please also cite the reticle for the attached link


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