Go to www.ted.com and view a speech on a topic of which you are interested and a


Go to www.ted.com and view a speech on a topic of which you are interested and answer the following questions;
Was the speaker effective in communicating their message?
How did they get their audience’s attention at the start of the speech?
How did they inform their audience what the speech would be about?
How did the speaker conclude their speech?
Do you plan on incorporating any of the speaker’s techniques in your own speeches?
Cite speech using either MLA or APA style. If you have a hard copy of the Flat World book, then cite using page numbers. If you use a digital copy, then cite using chapter and section numbers. If you do not cite, your posting will not be graded.
For help with citing go to http://www.easybib.com/
Your reply to the original topic questions must be a minimum of 300 words.
You must reply to at least two classmates’ postings with a minimum of 50 words each.
Respond with a thought-provoking comment on the ideas and research presented.
Do not simply comment on grammar and rhetoric.
In order to receive full credit your reply to the original question and your peer comments must be on three separate days. (There is a 20% penalty for posting responses on the same day.)


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