Elkholi, A., Althobiti, H., Al Nofeye, J., Hasan, M., & Ibrahim, A. (2021). No w


Elkholi, A., Althobiti, H., Al Nofeye, J., Hasan, M., &
Ibrahim, A. (2021). No wait: New organized welladapted
immediate triage: A lean improvement project.
BMJ Open Quality, 10(1), 1-8.
https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjoq-2020-001179In this assignment you will critically review (summarize and evaluate) the ideas and information
of an article (specified to you by the instructor)
Please make sure to address the following points:
• Identify the author, the title, the main topic, and the author’s purpose.
• How the article relates to other work in the literature.
• Highlight the types of evidence or information the author present.
• Identify author’s most important points and main findings.
• Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article.
Remember, your task as a reviewer is to re-see the author’s work, not to re-tell it.
Presentation guidelines:
• All presentations are given 10 minutes + 3 minutes for Q&A.
• Presentations may only be submitted as PowerPoint presentations.
• Bring your presentation to the class on a USB.


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