Read “Investigating Writing: Threshold Concepts and Transfer” (PDF available in


Read “Investigating Writing: Threshold Concepts and Transfer” (PDF available in Readings & Videos). After reading the chapter, take notes on the following prompts:
πŸ“ Writing is . . . πŸ“ Good writing is . . . πŸ“ Good writers do or are . . . πŸ“ Writers are influenced by . . .
πŸ“ Learning to write involves . . . Then, do a mini “interview” with another person (not one in the class, please), asking them to respond to these prompts. (That person should NOT have read the chapter.) In your response, do the following for this assignment: First, compare your new responses to those you wrote to these same prompts in the Week 1: Writing Is … Response. *** Since I forgot to ask you to save your responses, I copy-pasted each of yours in Teams > Class Notebook > || > [Your Name] > Notes > Week 1 Writing Is… Original Responses. Comparing your first responses with the new versions you took notes on after the reading, think about what has changed or remained the same about your concept of writing. Explain. You may find it helpful to use examples from your original response during your discussion. In your response, include at least two cited sentences or passages from the assigned reading that contributed to changes in your response to the prompts. Next, discuss two or more of the responses from your mini interview: in what ways do they differ from yours, and did you gain any additional perspectives on writing? πŸ‘‰ In-text citation format for this reading: (Wardle & Downs, 2023, p. #).
Submit a 2+ page response (double-spaced, standard text font) to the Drop Box. Include an APA title page (not part of the 2+ pages expected for the response). Submit a Word document or link to OneDrive or Google. Be sure to set up the share permission for “anyone with link.” Here is the link you need and my first response will be in the files so you can get that part of it tht you need.


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