The student shall be able to write a structured paper that incorporates research


The student shall be able to write a structured paper that incorporates research

The student shall be able to write a structured paper that incorporates research and engages in an analysis of the literary movement, author, or text(s) within African American literature since 1746.
For your Final Paper, you will write about a topic of your choosing related to the following eras in African American Literature:
1746-1865 (Spirituals, Slave Narratives)
1865-1940 (Reconstruction Era, Harlem Renaissance)
African American Literature since 1940 (Civil Rights, Black Arts, Contemporary Writers)
Your essay may focus on a particular theme or time period, or you may present an original critical argument that either challenges or supports a philosophy or point of view presented by 2-3 of the assigned authors.  **Note that whatever topic you choose, the primary texts for your argument must be what was assigned in the course for discussions. Your essay must include direct references to the assigned material. DO NOT USE BACKGROUND READINGS OR OUTSIDE SOURCES.
Some examples of topics with suggested texts:
The Role of Religion in Slavery (Douglass, Jacobs)
The Desire for Freedom (All assigned slave narratives, King)
The Reconstruction of African American Culture (Chesnutt, Washington, DuBois)
Black literature as American literature
1500-2000 words
Your work must be formatted and documented in MLA.
View  BC Online Resources and Services for information on how to cite using MLA.
Directly quote from all sources used in the writing of the essay.
A Works Cited page must be included.


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