This project is designed to help you create a quick reference chart/table that c


This project is designed to help you create a quick reference chart/table that contains all of the details for the 12 primary channels based on our lectures and the reading assignments. This is meant to serve as a helpful resource and study guide for this class and future classes. A specific design is not required, but your grade will be based on the amount of information and detail you add to the assignment. The requirements of the assignment include the following and can also be found within the rubric.
Format: No more than one page for each channel. Submissions must be in PDF format or they will be returned to you, which will count towards a late submission.
1. Channels & Points – Circulatory pathways including all regions and tissues, number of points, meeting/crossing points.
2. Pairings, Circulation, & Functions – Channel pairings, naming conventions, 2-hour time periods, functions, roles/responsibilities.
3. Organization – All information included in the assignment is prepared and organized clearly and appropriately to facilitate ongoing learning of the required material.
4. Follows Directions


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