For the initial post, explain the irony of this situation in more detail and dep


For the initial post, explain the irony of this situation in more detail and depth. Consider the following questions as you write your response: 
How does Dr. Posner’s behavior toward Vivian, his patient, reflect or mimic Vivian’s attitude toward her students when she was a professor?
In what ways is Vivian’s teaching style similar to Dr. Posner’s bedside manner? 
In contrast, examine the actions of Susan Monchan. The nurse didn’t receive the same education as Dr. Posner, but she has skills that he lacks. 
What qualities and life skills does nurse Monchan possess that the doctor does not? Refer to specific examples from the play in your response.
The initial post should be at least 250 words. Be sure to include at least 3 references to the assigned readings, concepts, and themes from the module.


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