Required Readings *Making Arguments about Literature (919-947) “What We Talk Abo


Required Readings
*Making Arguments about Literature (919-947)
“What We Talk Abo

Required Readings
*Making Arguments about Literature (919-947)
“What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” (Carver)
“Story of an Hour” (Chopin)
“Araby” (Joyce)
Switch Bitch (Dahl) (“The Great Switcheroo”, “The Last Act”, and “Bitch”)
Choose one of the critical approaches to interpreting literature that we discussed in class, and write an essay that addresses one of the above selections from Switch Bitch and one of the other three stories by Carver, Chopin or Joyce that explores the topic of love.   Specifically, argue what aspect (only one) the particular critical approach you have chosen brings out.  For example, the lens of gender criticism may bring out how a man or woman would view love in a given story and a specific message that comes out of it, or formalist criticism may allow you to glean a message about love given a close-reading and noting how style, structure, imagery, and/or tone communicate a message.  Remember that a message is a statement of an idea.  A message would not be “sex” or “innocence”, but rather, “Innocence in love is not valued in Story X” or “Sex is a superficial indicator of love in Story X.”
3.5-4 complete pages
1-2 secondary sources (Use the OCC online database of articles to find your peer reviewed sources.)
MLA style format and Works Cited page to include a citation for each story and 1-2 additional sources
Appropriately creative title


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