based on your field of interest or your current internship placement. Write a es


based on your field of interest or your current internship placement. Write a esearch paper using the questions below as guidelines. Papers should be approximately 6 pages, you will present for 8-10 minutes on your topic
What is your population or topic of interest? (e.g. substance use, LGBTQAI+ populations, ethnic minorities, autism, homelessness, substance use, individual therapy, group therapy, gender affirming healthcare, etc.) 
Use research to discuss why this population/topic matters.
From your internship experience this summer, what do you think works well with your population/topic of interest? What does not work so well? Which aspects of your internship are evidence-based? Which are not?
Lastly, design an evidence-based intervention or program for your population/topic. Use academic research along with your personal experiences/observation from your internship, a field trip, or a guest speaker.
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