15 points INTRODUCTION – Includes necessary information about the book’s backgro


15 points INTRODUCTION – Includes necessary information about the book’s backgro

15 points INTRODUCTION – Includes necessary information about the book’s background (author, etc.) – Draws in the reader with a “hook” – Describes the book’s value and importance in a historical sense with a government spin.. another words how did this book effect the government structure and the people who reside in the country ? Make sure you give 3 examples.
15 points ORGANIZATION – Paragraphs have well-conceived topic sentences and clear transitions, and the narrative has structure.
30 points Addresses the main themes and arguments in the book – Evidence and examples (including quotations) are detailed, accurate, and appropriate. Analysis demonstrates critical thinking and insight mention any particularly interesting or memorable points or passages and support your opinions with references to the book. 
– Background information about a book consists of the historical, sociological, economic, and other circumstances that may have influenced or contributed to its publication. This information may have some bearing on the book’s importance or interest. You are writing for other people who are not in the course and are therefore unfamiliar with the subject. 
Minimum of 3 outside resources to help you with your paper. NO Wikipedia !! you can use published articles, .org web sites (these are non-profit so they try to stay in the middle of the road). If you are unsure email me to help you ? 
15 points in your evaluation, you might reflect on how the book relates to your course. Consider what issues, ideas, or institutions the author criticizes or defends. Also, evaluate how well the author has added to your knowledge and understanding of the subject, particularly how it supplements the ideas in the classroom/classmates and the views of your instructor. 
10 points Uses a professional tone and sophisticated language – Speaks with authority and awareness of audience- another words you need to think on that upper level, if the wording sounds generic…your paper won’t capture the audience.
10 points Citations are present and placed appropriately in text. Make sure you include page numbers, etc. 
5 points Includes page numbers – Text is double spaced, in 12 pt. Times New Roman – Uses standard 1” margins – Is of the required length.
1200 words the citation page and intro- PAPERS THAT ARE LESS than 1200 words will loose 10-30 points
Here are a few tips on How to Write a Reflection Paper on a Book
A reflection paper is a piece that focuses on your thoughts about a book or any other related material and so it has to be written in the most appealing and contemplative manner. To successfully write a great piece on your book, keep in mind that, a reflection paper is not based on mixed thoughts of other people. Your own thoughts are necessary for your reflection paper to be fruitful. 
Everything that you include in your paper should incorporate your insight, observation or opinion. Like any other papers, your reflection paper should include introduction, body and conclusion sections. If stuck or having challenges on comprehending, you can find out more from professional writers, tutors or friends who have written reflection papers before. These are personal and subjective papers, and you have to uphold an academic tone in the whole paper and ensure that it is thoroughly and cohesively planned. 
Here are a few tips to help you know how to write a reflection paper on a book with ease: 
Determine your main themes– In the notes that you make from the book that you have read, sum up the experience or lesson in a number of sentences that are descriptive and straightforward. Identify why the material will stand out and what you have learned from it. Keep track of your main points or experiences from the book you have read, then list personal response to the points you have amassed and describe how this response is helpful to your paper.
Ask yourself a few questions to guide you on your response– If you find it hard to gauge your own feelings on the topic of choice or your own response, try to ask yourself a few questions about the experience or lesson and how it relates to you. Excellent sample questions may include. 
Does the experience or lesson affect you socially, emotionally, or spiritually?
Does the experience or lesson from the book leave you with many questions? 
Do the ideas that you obtained from the book contradict or back up each other? 
Did the author of the book fail to address any essential issues?
You have to keep it short and impressive
– Do not include more content that cannot be backed by topic ideas or evidence accessible from the book. You will easily lose credibility from your readers if you present false information in your paper.
Ensure you reveal details in a wise manner– Due to subjective feelings and opinions that accompany reflection papers, it is wise to not reveal personal things learned from the book. Ask yourself whether it is necessary or not to include a few in the paper.
A Step By Step Guide on How to Write a Reflection Paper on a Book 
The idea of a reflection paper on a book is to describe your reactions and analysis to your reading or lessons learned from the book. Here are steps on how to go about it; 
Come up with a clear and remarkable introduction.
Writing a reflection paper differs from just slapping some thoughts on a paper. You have to create a clear and impressive introduction. Here you have to describe your expectations and initial attitude from reading your book of choice. Create an informative statement about the lessons or experiences gained to appeal to the reader of your paper. In the final sentence of your introduction, sum up your feelings or response on what you gained from the book in a thesis statement that outlines the core points you will talk about in the rest of the paper.
Elaborate on your reactions to the subject of the book. You need to cover a min of 3 chapters in the book.
Talk About more on your ideas and do not generalize things regarding your lessons or experience. Analyze all your thoughts and experiences and give examples to show how you have reached your conclusions on the topic. In addition, use direct quotes from the book to support your ideas or observations. Providing your readers with examples to back up your topic will help them see the importance of what you have learned from the book. 
Apply what you have collected from the book.
Your conclusion should sum up for readers of your reflection paper on how you plan to use the new knowledge acquired and how it applies to your life. Put all your critical thinking skills at test in this section as you summarize what you have acquired from reading your book. Depending on the topic that you decide on from your book of choice, what you incorporate in your piece should leave readers with a clear statement of your lesson’s value to your life. 
Edit and proofread your reflection paper.
It is also wise to find out what should be included in your paper or not. Editing is never easy as it requires time and a focused mind. You have to go through your paper and get rid of grammar, punctuation and spelling flaws. Have your friend read aloud the final draft and single out any areas that are not clear.


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