Hello I need help fixing a simple assignment I already paid tons of money to do.


Hello I need help fixing a simple assignment I already paid tons of money to do. Please do not accept if you cant read and complete what I am asking 
Here are some feedback 
lesson 5 assignment –
Hi Cianie, Please do the following to help you earn full points for Assignments 2-5. I will look in your Assignment 6 upload to see if the edits are there. 1. Cover page: Give your paper a title. Move the content further down on the page by hitting your enter key three times. Remove the extra spaces by highlighting your entire paper, click on the “paragraph” tab and change the before and after settings to zero, and make sure the line spacing is set a double. 2. Look on pages 2 through 15 to make sure you do not have any extra spaces between your subheadings and paragraphs. 3. Make sure your paper is in the correct order. Page 2 is where you will have the information asked for in Assignment 5, underneath that, you will have the heading “Literature Review” do not add any extra spaces. Then you will have all of your “Resources”, then the “Themes” will be after the “Resources”. 4. Your reference page should begin on a new page with no extra spaces under the word “References”. 5. Look in all of your work to make sure your in-text citations do not have initials or first names. Make sure if you have work written by three or more authors, you are using the correct in-text citation format (look in the APA writing sample). Be sure to put a space after writing a word or after commas. 6. Do not use a subheading for “population and problem.” 7. For your Themes, tell me what at least three different authors are saying that fits into that theme (need at least 3 different authors from your list of resources). You can reuse your authors when doing another theme, but in the one theme, you must tell me what three of them said that is the same/similar thing. That is what we call a theme. -Dr. LaMotte
Lesson 6 assignment –
Hi Cianie, You are doing a wonderful job😊. Assignment 10 upload was used for grading. Please do the below to help boost your overall grade outcome. 1. On page 12, write a paragraph explaining the purpose of your instrument. Tell the reader why you created it and what you hope to gain by using it, then show your instrument. 2. I need bubble charts as shown in the example (refer to the sample to see what I mean). Also, please write a paragraph explaining the purpose/intent of the bubble charts, then show the bubble charts. 3. References: review your references page to make sure they are properly aligned and there is no work written in all caps. 4. Proofread your paper in the areas where you have an in-text citation. See if you are using the author’s name and publication year to tell me what the author said. If you are not telling me what the author said, then it does not meet the criteria for an in-text citation. Remember, we use in-text citations to say what someone said. I will use your next upload to regrade your work. -Dr. LaMotte
Lesson 7 assignment – 
Hi Cianie, You are doing a wonderful job😊. Assignment 10 upload was used for grading. Please do the below to help boost your overall grade outcome. 1. On page 12, write a paragraph explaining the purpose of your instrument. Tell the reader why you created it and what you hope to gain by using it, then show your instrument. 2. I need bubble charts as shown in the example (refer to the sample to see what I mean). Also, please write a paragraph explaining the purpose/intent of the bubble charts, then show the bubble charts. 3. References: review your references page to make sure they are properly aligned and there is no work written in all caps. 4. Proofread your paper in the areas where you have an in-text citation. See if you are using the author’s name and publication year to tell me what the author said. If you are not telling me what the author said, then it does not meet the criteria for an in-text citation. Remember, we use in-text citations to say what someone said. I will use your next upload to regrade your work.
Hi Cianie, You are doing a wonderful job😊. Assignment 10 upload was used for grading. Please do the below to help boost your overall grade outcome. 1. On page 12, write a paragraph explaining the purpose of your instrument. Tell the reader why you created it and what you hope to gain by using it, then show your instrument. 2. I need bubble charts as shown in the example (refer to the sample to see what I mean). Also, please write a paragraph explaining the purpose/intent of the bubble charts, then show the bubble charts. 3. References: review your references page to make sure they are properly aligned and there is no work written in all caps. 4. Proofread your paper in the areas where you have an in-text citation. See if you are using the author’s name and publication year to tell me what the author said. If you are not telling me what the author said, then it does not meet the criteria for an in-text citation. Remember, we use in-text citations to say what someone said. I will use your next upload to regrade your work. -Dr. LaMotte
Lesson 9 Assignment 
Hi Cianie, You are doing a wonderful job😊. Assignment 10 upload was used for grading. Please do the below to help boost your overall grade outcome. 1. On page 12, write a paragraph explaining the purpose of your instrument. Tell the reader why you created it and what you hope to gain by using it, then show your instrument. 2. I need bubble charts as shown in the example (refer to the sample to see what I mean). Also, please write a paragraph explaining the purpose/intent of the bubble charts, then show the bubble charts. 3. References: review your references page to make sure they are properly aligned and there is no work written in all caps. 4. Proofread your paper in the areas where you have an in-text citation. See if you are using the author’s name and publication year to tell me what the author said. If you are not telling me what the author said, then it does not meet the criteria for an in-text citation. Remember, we use in-text citations to say what someone said. I will use your next upload to regrade your work. -Dr. LaMotte
Lesson 10 assignment –
Hi Cianie, You are doing a wonderful job😊. Please do the below to help boost your overall grade outcome. 1. On page 12, write a paragraph explaining the purpose of your instrument. Tell the reader why you created it and what you hope to gain by using it, then show your instrument. 2. I need bubble charts as shown in the example (refer to the sample to see what I mean). Also, please write a paragraph explaining the purpose/intent of the bubble charts, then show the bubble charts. 3. References: review your references page to make sure they are properly aligned and there is no work written in all caps. 4. Proofread your paper in the areas where you have an in-text citation. See if you are using the author’s name and publication year to tell me what the author said. If you are not telling me what the author said, then it does not meet the criteria for an in-text citation. Remember, we use in-text citations to say what someone said. I will use your next upload to regrade your work. -Dr. LaMotte


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