Bold or underline the Golden Line. Under the Golden Line, write why you selected


Bold or underline the Golden Line. Under the Golden Line, write why you selected that line (elaborate and make a personal connection).
Use the structure below for formatting:
Write out your Golden Line (Spielman, et. al., 2021). I chose this GL because… (fill in reasons why). Use complete sentences and proper grammar/punctuation. Remember to cite in-text in APA format. For your textbook, this looks like: “…..” (Spielman, et. al., 2021, p.4). ->or whatever page number applicable to your chosen golden line. STEP 2: Select ONE of the following prompts. Keep your Discussion Post Checklist handy so you don’t forget the assignment parameters. Remember to include In-text citations and a reference listing (all in APA format) for direct quotes AND paraphrased information. Use the Discussion Post Template. Select ONE of the following prompts. Keep your Discussion Post Checklist handy so you don’t forget the assignment parameters. Remember to include In-text citations and a reference listing (all in APA format). Use the Discussion Post Template.
Options (if five other people have already written about a particular topic, please pick a different one). Answer the prompt academically (paragraph one) AND provide an example or connection to your own life -or a hypothetical person (paragraph two):
Discuss how neurotransmitters communicate information in our bodies AND discuss two neurotransmitters and what they are responsible for (how do they influence us?). Discuss the subdivisions of the nervous system. Provide an example of how you can tell a particular subdivision is working for you by describing how that subdivision allows you to do something you do often. Be creative and select a behavior that no one else has already written about. Discuss the case of Phineas Gage. Who was he? What happened to him? What were the long term effects of his accident? Elaborate and be specific. Compare and Contrast two imaging techniques used to study the brain. Elaborate. Be specific. Select any specific topic in this chapter that interested you the most and present that topic to the class via your DP. Why was it so interesting? Can you personally connect to the topic? What is the topic all about? Elaborate.
Golden Lines feature a place for students to pull out 5-7 lines from the chapter that were meaningful to them and answer the question, “Why do I think or feel this line is a golden line?” Golden lines are one-two sentences that may showcase personal connections to the content, be inspiring or relatable. Golden lines should be sentences that are descriiptive, meaningful, surprising, and/or thought provoking. They may elicit a specific emotion in the reader, or the reader may strongly agree/disagree with the line. View the Golden Lines file in each chapter to see a specific example from that respective chapter.


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