Hi Class! Here is an example of dance in today’s society driven by technology


Hi Class! Here is an example of dance in today’s society driven by technology! What is your “take” on this phenomenon? Do you tic toc? Instagram? YouTube? Engage in another social media platform? Post a dance video that represents dance and technology representing today’s youth driven music, fashion and commercially driven “followers” mentality! For full credit for this 10-point discussion you must do the following: 
1. Answer and post your reply to the questions prompts above.
2. Post your video as requested.
3. Reply to at least one of your classmates’ postings (your reply must post before you will see your classmates’ posts).
Please note: Discussions with video postings must either “show” the video so it can simply be “clicked on” and played (hint use the YouTube link in the HTML editor browser located above the text box). You may also choose to embed the link by “sharing” the video (hint use the unbroken chain link in the HTML editor browser located above the text box.).
https://youtu.be/LsNgH9n_UmI?si=771qjKP9tdum3k1Z sample


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