Topic: gene expression You will need to make a poster based on the lab report o


Topic: gene expression
You will need to make a poster based on the lab report on the topic given. Be sure to read all guidelines provided and adhere to the established academic honesty policies (no plagiarism, no using previous works as it still counts as plagiarism, and no AI support). There should be ONLY ONE slide submitted in PowerPoint format. The rubric attached is how the poster will be scored. There will also be a file where it goes through how to prepare the poster which has all the instructions on how to complete this assignment. The professor was kind to also have given a poster template to use for this assignment to have an idea of the structure of the information. Please use the pictures attached and not from the lab log. The Pictures Need to have the title on the powerpoint slide. The title is with the corresponding picture in the document attached. This poster will be based on a lab I did on gene expressions. Attached is the following lab task sheet where it goes through the procedures of this lab. However, my answers of the lab are on lab log document which is what the lab report is based off of. Even though it’s not specified but  it implies to cite properly in the poster, so use at least 3 sources. As you can see the lab report has two sources that may be used in the poster. The Rubric for the poster, How prepare for the poster, poster template, lab task sheet, lab log, and lab report will all be attached.
For extra measures I’ve attached extra sources from the professor. One is a powerpoint from the professor that talks more about the lab and a gene expression guidance document for more information or clearance if needed.


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