Select a business category (grocery store, bar/pub) and brand (ie. Starbuck’s, B


Select a business category (grocery store, bar/pub) and brand (ie. Starbuck’s, Burger King).  While this assignment is designed to enable you to be a patron of the establishment, it will require that you thoughtfully analyze the experience.
Write a short paper (about 500 words or about 2 pages) examining the difference between the typical experience in the U.S. and that in Ireland.
The following are example of questions you may want to include in your analysis.
What business is it?
Why did you choose this one?
If you are visiting a company that operates both in the U.S. and Ireland, what are the similarities and what are the differences that you notice?
If you are using CATEGORY rather than a brand, describe the similarities and differences in the experience and the typical one in the U.S.
If you operated a business in this sector in the U.S. and wanted to expand to Ireland, what strategy (multinational or global) would you use and why?


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