Social Determinants of health are described as things that have an impact on peo


Social Determinants of health are described as things that have an impact on people’s health and quality of their life (, n.d.). Usual examples of this could be where people live, racism, income, and more. Having access to internet might seem like something that is not truly necessary, but I believe that it can help patients to have access to things like patient portals. With this, I think that digital inclusion and broadband access should be added to the list of social determinants of health. A lot of healthcare systems have transitioned to using telehealth visits as a primary form of clinical evaluation and communication with patients. These types of visits require a patient to have internet access to get online and video chat with the provider (Benda et al., 2020). In another article, Sieck et al., makes a point of how more healthcare tools are requiring internet to use them (2021). Things like patient care portals, apps, monitoring equipment were found to increase health outcomes for patients and increase communication between providers and patients (Sieck, 2021). These types of healthcare portals and equipment are amazing to have, but only useful to the patients if they can access them. Social determinants of health care can impact things like electronic health records, patient portals, and telemedicine by access to them. For example, if one of a patient’s social determinants are health is low economic status, they might not be able to afford to have internet access in their home. Without internet they will not be able to access their portals, telemedicine, or other healthcare sites needed. A potential resource for these people that cannot afford internet access could be going to areas with free internet access or using a friend or family members internet to access their healthcare portals and appointments.


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