In this discussion, you will be reflecting on the aspects of conservation that i


In this discussion, you will be reflecting on the aspects of conservation that i

In this discussion, you will be reflecting on the aspects of conservation that interest you most to help you with a job search. You will be tasked with discussing two positions that resonate with you. 
For this week’s discussion we are going to do a job search! Think about all the topics we’ve covered in this course. Was there a particular week or topic that especially sparked your curiosity? What kind of conservation resonates most with you (Coarse vs. fine-scale? Theoretical research Researching population genetics? Restoration? Natural Resource Management? Working at a nature preserve? Organizing conservation easements? Communicating with IAPs? Predicting global change? Measuring ecosystem services? Influencing policy?). 
The goal of this week’s discussion is to help you identify the kinds of conservation jobs that can help you most authentically pursue your interests and passions!
Look through the following websites to conduct your job search:
Visit USAJobs and select the following departments and agencies for your search:
Department of the Interior 
Department of Agriculture
Department of Energy
Fish and Wildlife Service
National Park Service
Bureau of Land Management
Environmental Protection Agency
US Forest Service
Natural Resource Conservation Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
US Geological Survey
Note: You may also conduct this search at the state level, as each state has its own government with environmental and conservation related departments
Nature Conservancy
Environmental Defense Fund 
ECOLOG-L (this is an academic listserv maintained by the Ecological Society of America. It requires setting up a free profile/login to access the postings listed here.)
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Initial Post
Due Date: 3 AM ET, Thursday
Identify 2 jobs that resonate with you and, in a few sentences explain the main scope of work in these roles. Include the link to the job posting.
What concepts learned in this course might come into play in these jobs? 
Why does this work resonate with you? 
What kinds of studies, courses, and skills may best prepare you for these jobs?
Lastly reflect on what you wrote about your conservation passions in your week 1 introduction discussion post. Have your interests within the field changed since the beginning of the course?


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