Step1 In this module, we draw inspiration from Nature do develop bioengineering


In this module, we draw inspiration from Nature do develop bioengineering

In this module, we draw inspiration from Nature do develop bioengineering solutions
for technology in healthcare and beyond:
• Tissue engineering
• Drug delivery
• Immunoengineering
• Organoids and organs-on-a-chip
• Biosensors
• Engineered Living Materials (ELMs)
• AgroFood applications
• Cellular agriculture
For this project milestone, form groups of 2 people and review the list of articles
proposed by the instructors(uploaded files).Select a topic of your interest, either from this list or from your own literature search, and think of how inspiration from Nature may help in developing new, more efficient, more sustainable… technological solutions.
Prepare a 3-slide oral presentation (approximately 5 min)(PPT slides+scriipt) about what you have
discovered and propose to do.
Based on your project selection assignment (step 1), prepare an 8-10
min group presentation (PPT slides+scriipt) indicating the problem that you want to solve, the nature-inspired idea that you would like to apply, and a sketch of how this would be technically
executed. This pre-proposal stage aims at convincing the audience of the viability of
your idea to raise funds to develop it. This approach is very common in industry and
academia to propose technological and scientific projects to management boards or
funding agencies when seeking resources. Your presentation should include the
following sections.
• Challenge:
o What area of bioengineering are you interested in?
o What challenge do you want to address?
• Inspiration from Nature:
o What ideas can you draw from Nature to address your challenge?
o What are the underpinning principles, processes, dynamics… in Nature
that are inspiring your idea?
• Solution:
o What are the main scientific and technological aspects of your proposed
o What scale (molecular, cellular, tissular) are you addressing?
• Feasibility
o Is your idea technically feasible?
o Would it be easy to get approval for it?
• References:
o Include at least three (3) scholarly references to support your project.
For each reference, provide a short summary of its findings and how it is
linked to your project.


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