The ONLY SOURCES that can be used for this assignment are attached: Civil War Pr


The ONLY SOURCES that can be used for this assignment are attached:
Civil War Pr

The ONLY SOURCES that can be used for this assignment are attached:
Civil War Primary Sources Assignment
After reading all twenty primary sources, do the following:
Part I: 1. Identify two different themes (or patterns) that you see in the sources.
2. Group the sources into two thematic sets with at least three documents in each set. In other words, select at least three documents that all link to a theme (or pattern) and put them together into a group; do that twice.
3. For each group, put those sources in conversation with each other by writing a brief paragraph explaining how each document relates to both the theme you identified and to each other. For example, if you identify one theme as the treatment of African American soldiers, one source might challenge (or support) how another source describes the Union army’s treatment of those soldiers. Or one document might show how the Confederacy’s treatment of those soldiers contrasted with how another document describes the Union army’s treatment of those soldiers. Or two documents might show that the treatment of African American soldiers varied within the Union army.
Part II
In addition to the paragraph above, you must address the following for each thematic set of documents in brief, specific, clear statements:
• Identify the author/authors/image-maker, providing not only a name, but a description of her/his/their social position that explains his/her/their point of view (perspective). • Identify the recipient/recipients of the letters; for the images, identify the intended audience/audiences. • Summarize, in one sentence, the content of each of your chosen sources.
• Identify the goal of the author/authors/image-makers (What were they trying to achieve with their letter or image?). • Explain how these sources helped you better understand people’s lives during the Civil War and/or its political, social, and/or economic contexts.
• Describe one limitation of each source (for example, perhaps it did not give a sufficient or full or credible picture of people’s lives or the Civil War’s contexts).
• Share one question that these sources (as a whole, not each individually) raised for you. For example, did they make you want to know more about something in particular? Or wish that you had a document from another specific perspective? Or wish that you had another type of source?
Prepare to discuss in class: How did you find this process of working with the sources? What did you enjoy about it? What did you find challenging?


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