File that says Homo Bureacratious is the one that needs editing. Rest is the sou


File that says Homo Bureacratious is the one that needs editing. Rest is the sou

File that says Homo Bureacratious is the one that needs editing. Rest is the sources you must use. This is for discussion board. Do not use obvious beginnings or conclusions please. Just conceptialize. If you have difficulty I can provide examples. Even though the order says 825 words please stick to 750 words. I had no other way of selecting the words. Paper that needs to be revised is uploaded. Also the chapters that you should insert the information from are uploaded. Important information has already been highlighted. The uploaded is a draft and needs to be edited or restructured. Following are professors instructions.
Conceptualization (about 750 words) – Conceptualize either the homo bureaucraticus model decision-making models presented by Houghton.
To ensure a variety of responses, model selection will be capped by the instructor. See the instructor’s first response to this writing prompt for specific instructions.
Organize your discussion and argument around less than three dimensions of your selected model.
Limit your discussion and argument to only one decision-making model. Do not compare and/or contrast your selected model with Houghton’s other models.
The required and optional course materials – from Week 1 through Week 12 – are a “closed universe” for your weekly discussion and engagement posts. That means no outside research should be used to support your posts.
Rely on the resources presented in the skill development section.


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