Modules 1, 2 & 3 cover a number of topics related to practice management. Discus


Modules 1, 2 & 3 cover a number of topics related to practice management. Discus

Modules 1, 2 & 3 cover a number of topics related to practice management. Discussion Board (DB) #1 requires that you review all of the issues covered in modules 1-3, so you can choose one of the issues as your original post. (chose module 1 – US Health care systems) INSTRUCTIONS
1) Choose one Practice Management issue as the topic for your DB 1 post .
2) Identify and discuss points that relate to how that topic affects a practice organization
Points to address in the original post:
1) Describe some of the issues that affect the type of practice that is of interest to you – Primary Care Practice
2) Discuss how the issue affects the management of a practice – and specifically your practice (if that applies)
3) Identify what can be/needs to be strengthened in the identified practice regarding this issue
4) Include references to support your posting
Discussion should not be clinical issues faced in that practice, but issues the practice (organization) faces. eg are Uninsured, lack of transportation, financial insecurities etc… these are some issues faced in some practices.
The discussion should be written from scratch because the faculty will run it through turnitin.
This is a Doctorate in nurse practice discussion and should be written as so
You can add additional resources RESOURCES FROM MODULES


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