Using the following link: A Guide to the Primary Sources of the Salem Witchcraft


Using the following link: A Guide to the Primary Sources of the Salem Witchcraft

Using the following link: A Guide to the Primary Sources of the Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692
Choose one person from the seven pages of people accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692. Research this person and describe who they were and why they were convicted.
Choose a different person from the accused featured in the Week 3 slides lecture and from other students who posted in the discussion thread. So first come, first serve.
Who is the person accused of witchcraft and who are the accusers? (their sex, gender, age, socioeconomic status, and role in society)
Explain the evidence against them listed in the chart (also see Primary Sources: The Salem Witch Trials) and also include if any of the 7 bizarre witch trial tests were used (slides 8-10).
How do the accused and the accusers reflect patriarchal institutions of power, such as the Church, the legal system, and the medical system?
What is the connection between sexuality and the devil, especially the stories of how a woman becomes a witch, and what types of sexual activities are practiced?


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