Description of the Assessment  Develop a research proposal for your project. Thi


Description of the Assessment 
Develop a research proposal for your project. Thi

Description of the Assessment 
Develop a research proposal for your project. This research proposal will serve as the blueprint for you to follow when undertaking your project. Take the time to carefully consider your project to ensure it is achievable within the given timeframe. Present your coursework as a QUANTITATIVE research proposal related to the degree program you are studying, addressing all parts of the following sections. 
Section A: Introduction (20 marks 200 words) 
• Write a brief background to your research question based on references to at least three relevant academic publications. (10 marks 100 words) 
• Write one research question that is relevant to your degree program that you could realistically investigate. State related research aim and objectives. (5 marks 50 words) 
• Provide a brief substantiated justification (i.e., the significance of the study) for undertaking the proposed research. (5 marks 50 words) 
Section B: Literature Review (40 marks 400 words) 
• Produce a preliminary review of the literature which should involve a concise critical analysis of the main academic studies that are relevant to your research question stated in Section A. Identify 2-4 hypotheses (and explain how they are justified by your literature review) 
Section C: Methodology (32 marks 400 words) 
• Prepare a methodology for your proposed QUANTITATIVE research that you could realistically achieve on PBS6000HK by focusing on the following areas: o Critically evaluate and justify a research approach that you propose to use within your quantitative research. (8 marks 100 words) 
o Critically evaluate and justify a sampling technique and approximate sample size you intend to use within your quantitative research (8 marks 100 words) 
o Critically discuss how you might use a questionnaire to collect data to assist you in achieving your research question (8 marks 100 words) 
o Critically evaluate how you might analyze data from a questionnaire for your proposed research (8 marks 100 words) 
Section D: Planning & Bibliography (8 marks, no word limit, 2 pages maximum) 
• Prepare a Gantt chart for your proposed research that shows detailed and realistic evidence of planning for the research activities that are likely to be undertaken throughout the QUANTITATIVE part of PBS6000HK. 
• References and Bibliography 


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